CrossFit Analysis.

Rich Froning
Next, I’d like to address the broader effectiveness of CrossFit training.
Are there more effective ways to target multiple muscle groups and practice synergy between the upper and lower body than through AMRAP training [as many reps as possible] and CrossFit? Yeah, I’m sure there are more efficient ways to target muscles but, that isn’t what we’re trying to do in CrossFit. We think more about movements and general physical preparedness than we do about specific muscle groups and how to target them.
And what about the safety concerns surrounding CrossFit?
People constantly ask if CrossFit is safe, and the answer is simple: Yes. CrossFit is safe if practiced correctly. Regarding the safety of kipping, specifically, I believe you need to have the strength to do strict movements before you try to kip anything. (BTW, that’s exactly what this chiropractor and CrossFit coach had to say.) If you don’t feel comfortable kipping, just don’t.
I do believe CrossFit is accessible to everyone.
CrossFit workouts can be tailored for everyone’s skill level and goals—it’s not just for elite athletes. It’s about the functionality and scalability to the masses.