Archive for August 2023
Friday 20230901
Double-unders (20-50)
Burpees (10)
Turkish get-up (5 per side)
6 rounds
Thursday 20230831

Wednesday 20230830
Deadlifts (8)
Wall balls (12)
Hollow rocks (15)
6 rounds
Tuesday 20230829
8 Rounds
Prowler / sled push (50 feet)
Box jumps (10)
Plank shoulder touches (20)
Monday 20230828
Grip strength and core
Farmer carry* (50 feet)
Kettlebell swings (10)
Weighted sit-ups (15)
Saturday 20230826

Friday 20230825

Thursday 20230824

Tuesday 20230822

Run 800 Meters Rest 3 minutes. Repeat
Phase 1
Monday 20230821

Dumbell Circuit
500 Meter Row
Shoulder Circuit Warm up I, Y, T
10 Second Hollow Hang ( piked pull up position )
5 sets of 12 reps each. Rest 2 minutes. Repeat
Still Leg Deadlift , Deadlift, Bent over Row
Push Press, Goblet Squat, Russian Twists
10 Second Static Support ( Dip )
400 Meter Run, rest 2 minutes Repeat