Posts by OhY3GF6
Friday 20250314
3 rope climbs
50 box jumps
21 dips
40 box jumps
15 dips
30 box jumps
12 dips
20 box jumps
9 dips
3 rope climbs
Climb at least 6 vertical feet with each rope climb, and jump to 20-inch box.
Thursday 20250313
For load
Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1 reps
Then, spend 20 minutes practicing handstands.
“No exercise or regimen will protect the back from the potential injuries of sport and life or the certain ravages of time like the deadlift”
— Greg Glassman
Tuesday 20250311
Each minute on the minute for 30 minutes perform:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
While fledgling versions of other benchmark workouts had started to be seen, Chelsea was the first to be presented in its final format on August 3rd, 2003.
Monday 20250310
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
30 burpees
20 kettlebell swings
10 50-foot shuttle runs (25 feet out and 25 feet back)
Monday 20250310
For time:
21 dumbbell thrusters
Run 400 meters
18 dumbbell thrusters
Run 400 meters
15 dumbbell thrusters
Run 400 meters
When this was posted in 2001 this workout was truly different than what the rest of the fitness world was doing at the time.
Blending weightlifting and metabolic conditioning, it holds up as a classic, with a simple 3-word statement that encapsulates the high-intensity ethos.
Saturday 20250308
Row 5,000 meters
Friday 20250307
Add 1 to the ladder each rehang.
Take as long as 1 minute to rest, as few as 30 seconds.
Go as far as you can, then rest and repeat the ladder in reverse.
Thursday 20250306
400-meter run
30 box jump
400-meter run
30 box jump
400-meter run
30 Box Jump
The squat, a fundamental movement in CrossFit, is vital for athletic performance, health, and longevity. Its benefits range from preserving muscle mass and motor control to enhancing core stability and reducing injury risk. Proper technique, rooted in biomechanics, ensures efficient and safe execution by accounting for individual differences in body proportions, mobility, and anatomical structure. Tailored coaching, scaling, and continuous feedback enable athletes to refine their squats for optimal results, supporting the core CrossFit goal of maximizing work output while maintaining joint health and safety.
Tuesday 20250304
Completes as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
3 burpees
3 DB hang clean & jerks
Lunge 30 feet
6 burpees
6 DB hang clean & jerks
Lunge 30 feet
9 burpees
9 DB hang clean & jerks
Lunge 30 feet
… etc., adding 3 reps per round