Posts by OhY3GF6

Friday 20240808

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Kettlebell swings
*Run 400 meters after each set

♀ 35 lb

Thursday 20240808

In sets of 15 for 5 rounds.  

15 – pop-ups

15 – 4 count sit ups

15 Goblet Squats

run 800 meters 

Presses Max effort of 1 press. ( What can you press overhead for 1 strict rep ? ) 

rest and repeat 4 times ? 

record score 

Tuesday 20240806

Warm Up:2 Rounds 
 250m Row 
 50′ High Kick 
 10 Air Squat 
 1565%90 seconds -2 min rest btw sets
4 RoundsPull Ups5 
 Push Ups10 
 Air Squats15  

Monday 20240805

4 rounds for time of:
20 box jumps
25 kettlebell swings
20-inch box
24-inch box

Thursday 20240801

500 Meter Row

Descending Ladder of Effort

Overhead Presses using 35 or 45 lb. Bar  ( full extension at top, bar “touches”  clavicle at bottom

Goblet Squat – Use a 25,30 0r 35 lb. Dumbbell or 26 lb., or 35lb K Bell

Alternating efforts 10 reps each followed by 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2

Record weight and time

Tuesday 20240730

5 rounds for time of:

20 air squats
10 burpees
5 shoulder-to-overheads
3 thrusters

Rest 90 seconds between rounds.

Monday 20240729

Using a 20 box

20 weighted step-ups.
20 step ups without weights

repeat for 20 minutes.