Posts by OhY3GF6
Wednesday 9.21.2022 REST DAY
Unless you have poor technique – your glutes, hamstrings, quads, abdominals and lower back will all be targeted and strengthened during a squat and deadlift. So why would anyone assume these muscles to be weak?There is no evidence to say that you can simply switch off your glutes.
Tuesday 9.20.2022 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY
15 sumo deadlift high pulls
15 Lunges
Monday 9.19.2022 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY
Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Sunday 09.18.2022 REST| RESET |RESTORE
Saturday 9.17.2022 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY
Complete as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes of:
12 power cleans
21 squats
Friday 9.16.2022 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY
Row 500 meters
30 bodyweight bench presses
4 rounds
Thursday 9.15.2022 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
12 muscle-ups
36 kettlebell swings
Wednesday 9.14.2022
The idea that a ‘weak core’ is the reason for low back pain arose from a series of studies developed by Paul Hodges and Carolyn Richardson which found that people with low back pain often had structural and functional changes to the transversus abdominus (an ab muscle). However these studies have been misinterpreted and have since been heavily disputed.
Tuesday 9.13.2022 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY
12 minutes of:
20 GHD sit-ups
10 left-arm dumbbell snatches
10 right-arm dumbbell snatches
Monday 9.12.2022 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY
30 clean and jerks for time