Saturday 20230429

every 90 seconds for 30 minutes.

1 muscle up

If you have no muscleup, then do 1 pullup, 1 dip

Friday 20230428


3 Rounds

1/2 mile run

50 Back Extensions

50 Situps

Tuesday 20230418

walk 100 meters holding a pair of 35lb dumbbells at arms length then execute 3 rounds of 7 pushups, 7 Air Squats. Walk 100 meters, then 3 rounds of 7 Squats with weights loaded at the shoulders, 7 deficit pushups ( use the dumbbells as props ) Walk 50 meters waiters position left, then 50 meters Waiters position Right. 3 rounds of 7 single arm rows right, then 7 left. finally 100 meters of weighted lunges. Leave the dumbbells and run 400 meters forward, 400 meters backward.

Monday 20230417

3 Rounds for time of:

30 Calories, Assault Bike

15 Hang Power Cleans, 115 / 75