Friday 202212009 |
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Wall-ball shots
Thursday 20221208
100 double-unders
21 burpees
75 double-unders
15 burpees
50 double-unders
9 burpees
Tuesday 20221206
10 rounds for time of:
3 clean and jerks
3 burpees over the bar
Monday 20221205
Dumbbell snatches (8 per side)
Push-ups (10)
Toes-to-bar (10)
7 Rounds
Saturday 20221203
7 Rounds
Deadlifts (8)
Wall balls (12)
Hollow rocks (15)
Friday 20221202
Prowler / sled push (50 feet)
Box jumps (10)
Plank shoulder touches (20)
14 Minutes
Thursday 20221201
Farmer carry* (50 feet)
Kettlebell swings (10)
Weighted sit-ups (15)
14 minutes
Saturday | WOD |20221119
5 Bench Press 185 lbs
16 Bag to Shoulder
12 Weighted Situps
Friday 20221118
Friday 11.18.22 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY
Row 200 Meters / Repeat 5 times
Deadlift and Dumbbell Press
Thursday 20221117
Row 250 Meters /Repeat 4 times