Saturday 10.08.22 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY

Shoulder press 10-10-10-10-10 reps
Friday 10.07.22 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY

9-6-3 reps for time of:
Burpee box jump-overs
Thursday 10.06.22 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
15 deadlifts
15 hand-release push-ups
Wednesday 10.05.2022 REST DAY

So why does my low back hurt when I squat/deadlift then? Huh?
“Injury occurs when a load exceeds the body’s ability to adapt and cope with that load” Canadian Physiotherapist and Chiropractor Dr Greg
There are three very likely scenarios you’re overloading your lower back whilst squatting and deadlifting; and this is due to:
1) Technique issues
2) Load management issues a.k.a programming issues
3) A combination of bothTechnique issues – why moving with load is completely different from an in-clinic assessment
Tuesday 10.04.22 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY

Nancy: 5 RFT
400m of Cardio OR 75 Double-Unders
15 Overhead Squats
Monday 10-.03.22 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY
Annie: 50-40-30-20-10 reps

Sunday 10.02.22
Sunday 10.02.22 | REST| RESET |RESTORE

Saturday 10.01.22 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY
Cindy: AMRAP 20 minutes

5 pull-ups
10 press-ups
15 air squats
Friday 9.30.2022 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY
Helen: 3 rounds for time
400m run
21 KB swings
12 pull-ups
Thursday 9.29.2022 | WORKOUT OF THE DAY
5 rounds for time of:
25 Push-Ups
50 Air Squats
100 Jump Rope (Single)