Archive for June 2022
Friday 20220610

3 Rounds
10 DR Pushups
15 Toes to Bar
20 Pistols
Thursday 20220609

25 Wall Ball
25 Bear Crawl Position Shoulder Taps
4 Rounds
Wednesday 20220608

3 Rounds
1o Squat
10 Deck Release Pushups
10 Lunges
10 Ring Row
10 Barbell Thrusters
10 PVC Pass Thru
5 Inch Worms
50’ Monster Walks
Tuesday 20220607

Monday 20220606
Sunday 20220605

2 minutes each
Doorway Stretch
Tricep band Stretch
Pigeon Pose
Deep Lunge with Band
Lacrosse Ball on Hamstrings
Figure 4 stretch on Wall
Calf Stretch on Pole
Foam Lats