Posts by OhY3GF6

Friday 20230602

400 meter repeats.

Run 400 meters, walk 400 meters. 5 rounds

Tuesday 20230530

Row 21 calories

Deadlift 185 7 reps

14 Situps ( abmat style )

repeat 4 times

Saturday 20230527

Murph. Modified.

Weighted Vest 1 mile ( walk if you must )

100 pullups. Time cap is 15 minutes.

200 Pushups Time Cap 20 minutes

300 Squats: Time Cap 40 minutes

Weighted Vest 1 mile ( walk if you must )

Thursday 20230525

5 Turkish Get Up left then Right

every other minute on the minute.

When you fail, start with 1 and add one until you fail again but do it every minute on the minute.

Tuesday 20230523

40 Burpees

30 Clean and Jerk

20 calorie Row

100 Double Unders